Tourist Increasing in Nepal

After a long time, Pandemic suffering is slowly decreased all over the world. Nepal is also slowly decreasing Pandemic affection. So Nepal government has opened Nepal for travelers to get to every tourist destination without any hesitation. All Nepal and India borders are easily crossed all people for traveling and other works. Now, Tourist should have vaccinated Card to visit Nepal, no need pcr report, so everyone can feel easy to visit places and easily can relax their stay and traveling smoothly. Also Spring season is best to visit here. Weather is fine, temperature of Nepal is pretty good, neither hot nor cold. It is cool and clear which encourage seeing scenery of Himalaya, cultural and historical places. Kathmandu city is best to experience about history, culture, tradition and world heritage sites. This city is mainly focus to devotees to visit Pashupatinath Temple and Swayambhunath Monastery for Buddhist. Normally, other places like as Patan Durbar square, Kathmandu Durba...